Illinois State University’s Board of Trustees today approved an FY2017 appropriated operating budget request of $79.6 million and a capital appropriation request of $286.4 million.

The requests are based on the University’s strategic plan, Educating Illinois 2013-2018, and will allow the University to address critical statewide goals for higher education. The operations request of $79.6 million is $7.4 million (10.3 percent) more than last year’s state appropriation of $72.2 million.


Illinois State University FY2017 Appropriated Operating Budget Request
FY2016 Appropriated Funds (assumed at revised FY2015 level) $72,226,700
     Compensation 4,914,900
     Deferred Maintenance 2,500,000
FY2017 Appropriated Funds Request $79,641,600

The FY2017 capital appropriation request is $286.4 million, with five major capital projects totaling $283.3 million and two capital renewal projects totaling nearly $3.1 million. The projects included in the FY2017 request are the same as those included in last year’s request, as no new state funds were appropriated to support University capital projects in FY 2016.


Illinois State University FY2017 Capital Request
Milner Library Rehabilitation $82,675,000
Mennonite College of Nursing Building 28,310,000
College of Education Facilities Rehabilitation and Construction
     DeGarmo Hall Rehabilitation 34,030,000
     Thomas Metcalf School Replacement 51,045,000
University High School Replacement 56,615,000
Williams Hall Renovation 30,635,000
Total $283,310,000
Capital Renewal
     Metcalf, Fairchild and Rachel Cooper Window/Door Replacement $2,032,000
     Replace Emergency Generators 1,032,000
Total $3,064,000


The Milner Library Rehabilitation will include the construction of additional space for needed book stacks, study areas, library processing and support spaces and high-density storage areas. Improvements would also be made to the building exterior and heating, cooling, plumbing and electrical systems.

Mennonite College of Nursing is currently located in Edwards Hall, which opened in 1920. Since becoming part of Illinois State in 1999, the College has seen its student population double in size. A new minimum 60,000 square-foot building would be constructed for Mennonite that would include classrooms, laboratories, faculty offices and conference areas.

The College of Education facilities rehabilitation will address the demolition and replacement of Thomas Metcalf Laboratory School and the remodeling of DeGarmo Hall. Metcalf School was constructed in 1955 and the building no longer meets the school’s K-8 program needs. DeGarmo Hall would undergo significant remodeling, including upgrades to the interior spaces, mechanical, electrical and plumbing components and the data and telecommunications network.

University High School is currently housed in a 1965 building, which is outdated and aging.  The geographic location on campus has poor vehicular access and less than adequate outdoor space.  The project calls for construction of a larger facility to meet 21st century requirements.

The Williams Hall renovation would rehabilitate the 1940s-era former library. The former library stack structure in the center of the building would be dismantled and remodeling would correct code deficiencies, remove asbestos, replace the roof and upgrade or replace mechanical, electrical and plumbing systems.