Theatre major Samuel Rosenfeld knows what a difference donors can make in the life of a college student. His ISU experience has been enriched because of generosity from the Friends of the Arts.
Scholarship support from the group provided the finances he needed to focus on classes without the burden of a yearlong job that would prevent him from pursuing his passion.
“Without this scholarship, I would not be able to spend my time outside of class practicing what I love,” Rosenfeld said. “To me it means opportunity to participate in and be a part of the theatre.”
With the help, he has been able to join Playback Theatre Company, which is a campus improv group. He has also had opportunity to design sets, explore production positions, work as a costume supervisor, and pursue an interest in dramaturgy. Doors have opened beyond the college as well. Rosenfeld was chosen to serve as a resident assistant this academic year.
“I thank the Friends of the Arts for all the countless experiences,” he said. “I will take from them and share what I have learned with my future students as a theatre educator. That is the greatest gift of all.”
Will you make a difference by supporting your passion? Make a contribution using the enclosed envelope, online at or call (309) 438-8041.