U-High’s Tech Ed teacher, Cory Culbertson, uses Google Sketch to teach a lesson on orthographic drawing.
A component of Illinois State University’s strategic plan is to provide an education that helps create global citizens.
University High School Technology Coordinator Jim Kurz has helped to facilitate video conference classroom sessions with St. Mary’s College students in Above Rocks, Jamaica. St Mary’s College is a secondary school of approximately 850 students.

U-High English teacher Ben Webb works with a 10th grade English class on creating narratives.
U-High Faculty Ben Webb in English and Cory Culbertson in Engineering have collaborated on several live lessons with St. Mary’s classes this spring. The English departments of both schools have met for professional development, and additional partnerships with physics and sociology are in the works.
The two schools continue to explore this exciting partnership to see how the two schools can assist each other in the future.