Take a moment and think back on your time on campus … the people, the mentors, the events, the professors, and all those special times with friends!
If you are like Kristi Kawanna ’09, M.S. ’11, you may feel like, “I have so many great memories from ISU, I don’t even know where to begin.”
The memories made as students are ones you’ll cherish for a lifetime, and are the same experience that had a tremendous impact on your life and trajectory. “I have so many great memories from ISU, I don’t even know where to begin.”—Kristi Kwanna ’09, M.S. ’11
For Harry Moncelle ’71, “as a resident of Central Illinois my time at ISU opened my eyes to the world. I discovered by my travels and classes abroad that people everywhere all want the same thing; better lives for their children, education, for their children to live in Peace, and to be able to provide for their loved ones in a manner that is better than what they were given by their parents.”
Every alum of Illinois has a similar story that shows how impactful the time on campus can be, and the Division of Student Affairs wants to hear your Redbird stories!
Whether you graduated last year or 40 years ago, we ask you take a moment to reflect on the experiences that made your time at Illinois State special and share them with us! Visit our Student Affairs Alumni Update page and tell us a little about what made your Redbird experience great.
Maybe you were like Daniel McCluskey ’72, M.S. ’76, who, 40 years later, attributes much of his success to his time working for the residence hall government at ISU. McCluskey reflects the tremendous effect leadership with residence hall government had on his life’s work.
“It developed the leadership skills that I would use in the classroom, in union leadership at my school, on the state level with the Graphic Arts Teachers Association of Illinois, and as vice president then president of the International Graphic Arts Education Association,” said McCluskey. “I have earned a leadership award and a Life Achievement award from the IGAEA. All that I am as a leader came from participation in residence hall government at ISU.”
Join fellow alumni like Tom Walter ‘74, M.S. ’76, who shared with us how impactful his experiences were not only in the classroom, but through his activities and involvement.
“I learned a great deal in the classroom both at the undergraduate and graduate levels,” he said. “However, what I remember the most is what I learned outside of the classroom through my experiences in various student organizations. I had tremendous opportunities to be a part of major decisions at the University and I learned a lot about working with others and the many varieties of leadership.”
We want to hear your Redbird stories so we know what made your time at Illinois State University special as we continue to provide opportunities to ensure all future Redbirds have amazing stories to share!