The job market today is increasingly competitive, especially for those in the arts and sciences field. As an extremely broad field, arts and sciences often encompass many industries, and may require a little more effort to find a job than other majors. To help students from all majors explore career options, the Career Center is hosting What to Do with THAT Degree on October 19, from 5–7 p.m., in the Bone Student Center.
During this event, a panel of alumni will help students identify the advantages of having a degree in arts and sciences and career options for their majors. Alumni will share about their experience and skills and how they are able to apply them to a variety of fields. Speed informational interviews will also be held so that students can talk individually with alumni to learn about their particular jobs, industries, or employers.
Following the speed interviews attendees will participate in a career exploration fair. Employers from a variety of industries will highlight the diverse employment opportunities for arts and science majors and other majors, as well. “Attendees will learn to identify their transferable skills, analyze their interests, match potential careers, and recognize Career Center resources, which will assist them in career exploration,” said Maureen Roach, the Career Center’s senior assistant director for Programming and Events.
Registration for this event is required. Students can register at For special accommodations or more information, call the Career Center at (309) 438-2200.