University Professor Ali Riaz, chair of the Department Politics and Government, was quoted recently in the international media about Bangladeshi politics.
In an article published in VOA News, Riaz commented on the Bangladeshi government’s policy of countering extremism by offering to pay militants to change their ways. “I am deeply concerned that it might not work,” Riaz said. “Social and educational institutions that have the potential to radicalize need to be reformed. Is the society ready to accept the assimilation of militants? How can they be rehabilitated in the society? Without involving the society into the deradicalization process, it can be a challenge.”
“Without involving the society into the deradicalization process, it can be a challenge.”—Ali Riaz
In another article, on, about the Chinese president’s trip to woo Bangladesh into its influence with economic incentives, Riaz stated. “Bangladesh is in India’s sphere of influence. Understandably, India is watching Bangladesh’s growing ties with Beijing. But Bangladesh is improving ties with China carefully so that it does not jeopardise its relations with India.”
In a similar vein, he added to the Daily Star that “the investments China is expected to make in Bangladesh doesn’t pose any challenge to the Indian strategic interests.”