Liminal is the title of the solo exhibition of photographs by School of Art student Justine Kaszynski. The exhibition is open to the public from December 6–9 in the Transpace gallery located in the Center for the Visual Arts.
“My work investigates a transitional state of being, also known as the liminal,” Kaszynski said. “The subjects that I photograph are pieces of glass, mirrors, reflections, colored fabrics, and looming shadows. I use repurposed glass because it shows that it had a life before I interacted with it; showing its character and personality in the grime and cracks.”
Kaszynski also uses abstracted 35-millimeter slide projections in her work to lead the viewer into a formal study of shape and color as well as the material that is in front of the camera. The show consists of 12 30-inch-by-40-inch framed works. “My work investigates a transitional state of being, also known as the liminal. The subjects that I photograph are pieces of glass, mirrors, reflections, colored fabrics, and looming shadows.”—Justine Kaszynski
Kaszynski sees this show as a reflection of the upcoming changes and uncertainty that college graduation brings: “I consider this passage an essential part of life and one that happens repeatedly. The challenge is to find peace amongst the confusion and serenity in the darkness.”
“Justine is an organized, ambitious, and creative student, and it has been a pleasure to witness her growth as an artist over the past two years,” Instructional Assistant Professor of Art Jason Reblando said. “She has produced an arresting and compelling body of work as the culmination of her Bachelor of Fine Arts program.”
The opening reception for Liminal will be held December 6 from 5 to 7 p.m. Kaszynski will give an artist talk at noon December 7. The closing reception will be from 5 to 7 p.m. December 9. The exhibit and all associated events will be held in the Transpace gallery.
A Friends of the Arts grant provided Kaszynski with funds to purchase materials to complete the work. Friends of the Arts is a community-based organization partnering with Illinois State University’s Foundation and College of Fine Arts. Tax-deductible donations provide fine arts students like Kaszynski with scholarships and grants.