Julie Campbell, Ph.D. recently joined the Department of Psychology as an assistant professor with a joint appointment in developmental and quantitative psychology.

Campbell grew up on a farm in the western part of Illinois, close to Iowa. She earned her bachelor’s and master’s degrees from Western Illinois University and a Ph.D. from the University of North Carolina at Greensboro.

Campbell’s primary research interests include the development of hand preference, cognitive abilities, and neuromotor milestones during infancy. She is currently working on two collaborative projects with Virginia Commonwealth University, the University of North Carolina at Greensboro, and Florida International University.

One of these ventures is a new project that investigates parent and infant language interactions during a play session and cognitive outcomes for the infant. The second project involves an ongoing longitudinal project in which Campbell is continuing to follow a cohort of infants into childhood to investigate the influence of hand preference on later cognitive outcomes and school readiness. An additional, new project that she will be starting soon involves observations of lateralization in newborns.

When not pondering the development of lateralization, Campbell is likely to be found playing the ukulele with her daughter, out for a run, or annoying her cat by dressing him up in Halloween costumes.