Professor Lane Crothers of the Department of Politics and Government presented “The Rise of Donald Trump: the Pathologies of Politics in a Global Age” at the Fall 2016 International Studies Seminar Series, on November 2, 2016, and in a similar presentation on November 1 for the Super Tuesdays Series.
Right-wing populism is an embedded force in all western democracies. –Lane Crothers
Professor Crothers explored Donald Trump’s rise as the leader of a right-wing populist movement, and linked the rise of Trumpism in the U.S. to similar movements globally. He examined the role economic, cultural and political forces of globalization have informed these movements, and he argued that while Trump will likely lose the election on November 8, right-wing populism is an embedded force in all Western democracies, and so will remain an important part of our politics well into the future.