Anthony Joseph, CSD, was honored at the Red Cross Heroes breakfast for his extensive work studying the long-term impact of blast-related injuries on soldiers, sailors, and Marines.

Katherine Ellison, ENG, published A Cultural History of Early Modern English Cryptography Manuals with Ashgate/Taylor Francis.

Lisa Szczepura and Shawn Hitchcock, CHE, co-wrote “Enantiomerically Divergent Pathways in Tsuji-Trost Reactions: Exploiting the Structural Differences between β-acyloxy-o-(diphenylphosphino)benzamides and β-amido-o-(diphenylphosphino)benzoates” for Tetrahedron: Asymmetry.

Steve Halle, ENG, published “Three Poems” in Action Yes.

James Skibo, ANT, co-authored “An Anthropological Archaeologist: The Contributions of William A. Longacre to Archaeological Theory, Method, and Practice” for the Journal of Archeological Method and Theory.

Aaron Smith, ENG, published “Ælfric’s Grammar and the Two-Tense Identity of English and Germanic” in Language and History.

T.Y. Wang, POL, presented two co-authored conference papers, “Age, not Social Class: Dropoff in Lower Turnout Elections in the U.S. and Taiwan” and “Are Citizens with a Strong National Identity More Likely to Vote in Taiwan,” at the 2016 International Conference on Taiwan’s Election and Democratization Study: Changing Taiwan Voter? in Taipei, Taiwan. He also served as a discussant at the 2016 Asian Election Studies International Conference in Taipei.

Ali Riaz, POL, presented a paper titled “Religion in Public Life in Bangladesh: Elite-Mass Disconnect?” at the 45th South Asia Conference held at University of Wisconsin-Madison.

Amy Robillard, ENG, presented “Mobilizing the Essay’s Sincere Pedagogical Possibilities: Trigger Warnings and Emotional Disciplining” at the Thomas R. Watson Conference on Rhetoric and Composition in Louisville, Kentucky.