The League of Women Voters of McLean County honored Robert Sutherland, retired ENG, with the Florence Fifer Bohrer Award for community service.

Jeffrey Barrett and Cynthia Langrall, both of MAT, co-authored separate chapters for the book, Compendium for Research in Mathematics Education. Barrett co-wrote the chapter titled “The Learning and Teaching of Measurement: Coordinating Quantity and Number” and Langrall co-wrote a chapter titled “Teaching and Learning Probability and Statistics: An Integrated Perspective.”

Timothy Lash and Gregory Ferrence, both of CHE, published “Late Transition Metal Complexes of Oxypyriporphyrin and the Platinum(II) Complex of Oxybenziporphyrin” in the Journal of Porphyrins and Phthalocyanines. Lash also published “An Alternative Synthesis of Benziporphyrins Starting from Isophthaloyl Chloride” in the same publication.

Juliet Lynd, ENG, presented “Cecilia Vicuña’s Sabor a mi (1973): Gender, Testimonio, and the Other 9/11 in Chile” with student Ana Roncero Bellido, at the Spring 2017 Latin American Studies Colloquium at Illinois Wesleyan University.

Tom McClure, POL presented “Introversion and Extroversion: Opposites or Partners for Success?” at the State Farm Insurance Paralegal Retreat. He also participated in two site visits for the American Bar Association Paralegal Approval Commission, one to Wilmington University in Delaware and one to Columbus State Community College.

Robert McLaughlin, ENG, presented “Zenith on the Liffey: Sinclair Lewis and James Joyce” at the Sinclair Lewis Conference at the Sauk Centre in Minnesota.

Sally Parry, ENG, presented “We Will Never Die: The Jewish Presence on Broadway during World War II” at the Popular Culture Association Annual Conference in San Diego, California. She also served on a panel titled It Can’t Happen Here for the Minnesota Fringe Festival, and presented “‘Are you crazy?’: Neil Kingsblood, Trauma, and the Double V” at the Sinclair Lewis Conference at the Sauk Centre in Minnesota.