The Vidette’s archives, stretching back more than a century, are now available online through Milner Library.
Do you ever wonder what was happening at Illinois State University in April of 1901? Well now you can find out!
Through the efforts of the Milner Library’s Digital Collections department and in cooperation with Veridian, The Vidette Digital Archives are now available online.
The archive currently holds approximately 75 volumes—from the first edition dating back to February of 1888 to May of 1963. Within those 75 volumes, there are 2,621 issues and over 21,300 pages. The Vidette Digital Archives plan to continue adding more volumes in the future.
University Archivist April Anderson is thrilled to have this resource available. “Just like our yearbooks and catalogs, which are already available online, The Vidette is one of our most used resources,” she said. “Everyone can now do in-depth research on our university’s history or simply read about campus life, all with a click of a button on their computer. I know we’ll be using the database quite a bit here at Archives and I’m certain it will become one of our most popular online resources!”
John Plevka, general manager of The Vidette, echoes Anderson’s excitement: “The Vidette Digital Archives is a rich resource for our students and alumni. This project, which we have dreamt of doing for a long time, has strengthened the relationship between The Vidette and Milner Library. We look forward to working together even more in the future.”
View the collection.
Did you know?
The entire run of The Vidette can be found both in microfilm and physical formats at Milner Library. Patrons wishing to view the newspaper in person can visit Milner Library to research the microfilm copy or contact the Dr. Jo Ann Rayfield Archives to make an appointment to view the paper format.
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