Several women from Illinois State University have been nominated for the prestigious YWCA of McLean County Women of Distinction. They include, Wilma Bates, Advancement; Rose Marshack, MUS; Katie Pratt, University College; Aslihan Spaulding, AGR; Maura Toro-Morn, SOC; Peggy Swerdlik, emeritus SED; and Ani Yazedjian, FCS. The winners will be named May 22 at the Women of Distinction Awards Banquet.

Dawn Beichner, CJS, was elected to serve a six-year term on the Executive Committee of the World Society of Victimology, commencing in June of 2018.

Erik Rankin, POL, has been named chair of the McLean County Democrats.

Kristin Carlson, THD, published “Beyond the Here and Now: Exploring Threaded Presence in Mediated, Improvised Performance” for Presence: Teleoperators and Virtual Environments and “Rehabilitating Experience: Designing an Aesthetic and Movement-Based Game for Physical Therapy Rehabilitation” in Electronic Visualization and the Arts of the British Computer Society. She also penned two book chapters, “Case Study: Toys and Playful Devices” and “Interfaces for Installation” for Foundations in Sound Design for Embedded Media.

Brandon McDaniel, FCS, co-authored and published “Technoference and implications for mothers’ and fathers’ couple and co-parenting relationship quality” and “National profiles of sexting in the United States and Canada and their implications for individual and relationship well-being” for Computers in Human Behavior.

Robert McLaughlin, ENG, authored the new book, Stephen Sondheim and the Reinvention of the American Musical.

Kerri Milita, POL, co-authored a study in The Journal of Politics titled “Clear as Black and White: The Effects of Ambiguous Rhetoric Depend on Candidate Race.”

Margaret Nauta and Eric Wesselmann, PSY, and Gina Turton, Honors Program, co-authored “The Associations of Greek and Religious Organization Participation with College Students’ Social Well-Being and Purpose” for the Journal of Psychology.

Scott Seeman and Jennine Harvey-Northrop, CSD, co-authored a recent publication in the journal Noise and Health titled “Cognitive Function Predicts Listening Effort Performance During Complex Tasks In Normally Aging Adults.”

Roberta Seelinger Trites, MQM, published Twenty-First Century Feminisms in Children’s and Adolescent Literature (University of Mississippi Press).