My name is Courtney B. Dandridge. I am a Senior at Illinois State University majoring in Arts Technology. My last three years at ISU I have been able to enjoy making friends, joining Registered Student Organizations and other great things the campus has to offer. One of my favorite things about campus is the food offered to students. I am a pescatarian, which means I eat seafood instead of meat. When I first arrived on campus I was a vegetarian, however after some time I made a personal choice to become a pescatarian instead because it was better for my health.
“I am thankful for the fact that Illinois State’s food options have helped me stay on track with my dietary needs.”
My choice to make a change in my diet started in high school. I was involved with track and volleyball, but I was eating fast food (so unhealthy) every day after practice. It was incredibly hard starting off. It first started out as a fast for both spiritual and physical reasons, and over time it turned into a lifestyle. I am thankful for the fact that Illinois State’s food options have helped me stay on track with my dietary needs. When I’m on campus, I usually grab food from one of the dining locations in the Bone Student Center. I have favorites at each location that cater to my dietary needs.
Sticking to a diet whether you are vegan, vegetarian, or pescatarian is not hard at Illinois State. There are many food options for everyone to choose from. There are always options to spice your food up and make it your own. Both dining centers provide delicious options that accommodate your diet and the weekly menu found on the dining website helps you navigate your options. Don’t hesitate to speak up if you need help! In addition to the resources offered on the dining website, there is a registered dietitian available to help you.
Some advice to future students with or without dietary restrictions would be to always carry some snacks! You never know when the next time you’ll be able to make it to the dining center, and it’s always nice to be able to snack between classes.
Good luck during your time on campus, #FutureRedbird! Take advantage of everything offered to you. It will be worth it in the end!