Ali Riaz, Distinguished Professor of Politics and Government, commented on the recent U.S. Supreme Court ruling on President Donald Trump’s travel ban. In “Trump Wins, America Loses,” published June 29, in The Daily Star, the implications of the “Muslim ban,” Riaz argues, reach far beyond the constitutional issue of the proper limits on executive power.
“The message is loud and clear: you’re not welcome to the land of immigrants, and you will be judged by your race, by your religion, by your origin.”—Ali Riaz
Rather, Trump’s xenophobic statements demonstrate an intent to discriminate that, according to Riaz, violates the core of the Constitution. “The message is loud and clear: you’re not welcome to the land of immigrants, and you will be judged by your race, by your religion, by your origin.”
Moreover, Riaz notes, the use of the travel ban sends a message to the world about American identity, that “the U.S. is no longer the ideal of inclusiveness.” Finally, he worries, will this policy be implemented in the future as a way to bully any country into siding with the U.S. on international matters?