The Eckelmann-Taylor Speech and Hearing Clinic is a division of the Department of Communication Sciences and Disorders (CSD). The Clinic is located in Fairchild Hall/Rachel Cooper Building. We provide hearing healthcare and speech and language services to students, faculty/staff, and residents of Bloomington-Normal and the surrounding communities.
Walk-in Clinic for hearing aid repairs are held weekly on Fridays from 12—3 p.m.
The Speech and Hearing Clinic is a non-profit organization. We provide services and products at reasonable rates. Illinois State students receive a 50 percent discount on all services in our Clinic. Additionally, services provided in our Clinic are covered by ISU student health benefits (if you are covered by Student Insurance) for both audiology and speech services. We are able to work with third-party insurances.
Examples of services include the following. Our website contains a full listing of our services.
Audiology Services
- Comprehensive hearing exams assess the integrity of the auditory system, measure hearing sensitivity and identify the presence of hearing loss.
- Hearing aid services include consultations, fittings, and adjustments.
- Walk-in Clinic for hearing aid repairs are held weekly on Fridays from 12—3 p.m. Appointments are not required for Walk-in Clinic; patients are seen on a first come, first serve basis.
- Assistive listening devices include FM systems, infrared systems, pocket talkers, amplified phones, alarm systems, and applications for Illinois Telecommunications Access Corporation (iTAC).
- Custom hearing protection helps keep your ears safe while working out, attending sporting events, concerts, mowing the lawn, recreational shooting, and more. Noise protection can result in an improved listening experience with less distortion and fatigue and protect your ears from noise-induced hearing loss.
- Musician plugs offer attenuation options to help musicians hear the characteristics of music more accurately.
- Sleep plugs are manufactured with a soft material to reduce surrounding noise and allow for a comfortable and peaceful night of sleep.
Speech and Language Services
- Accent modification services can be provided to those who desire to address this component of speech.
- Stuttering services use fluency-generating techniques that help patients produce smooth, less effortful speech.
- Gender Affirming Voice Modification services help bring people closer to the goal of having the verbal output that matches their inner identity.
- Cognitive communication disorders can be addressed by providing intervention services and resources.
If you have a question about our services or would like to schedule an appointment, call or email us today! We can be reached by email: or phone at (309)438-8641.
Look for us at Festival ISU!