On Friday, September 13, employers from across the nation will attend the Career Center’s Accounting Career Fair to meet students and alumni who are studying accounting or seeking accounting positions.
The Accounting Career Fair allows Redbirds to connect with employers to learn about their open positions, which may include full-time employment or internship experiences. However, the fair is not limited to those alone. The Career Center encourages all accounting students to attend.
“Career fairs are an excellent opportunity for students to explore accounting organizations, whether they are freshmen or seniors,” said Assistant Director for Employer Relations Andee Radliff. “When attending a career fair students have an opportunity to talk with employers face to face to learn about their organizations, explore required career skills and experiences they seek and begin making connections with professionals in their field early before they are actually searching for jobs.”
Fair preparation

Actual employers share tips with students at InstaCareer on how to present themselves professionally to recruiters.
To help students prepare for the Accounting Career Fair, the Career Center is hosting the career preparation session InstaCareer on September 4 from 4–7 p.m. in the Bone Student Center. Participants will rotate through various stations to learn how to introduce themselves to employers, how to make a good first impression, dress appropriately, and how to research and follow-up with employers after career events.
Redbirds can also prepare for the fair by setting up an appointment with Career Advisor Mark Fauble.
“I meet with a lot of students before the Accounting Career Fair to help them with their resume,” Fauble said. “Many of them are also concerned about talking to employers. I am able to provide them with quick tips about how to prepare both physically and mentally for the event. After the fair many students who were able to get an interview come back to the Career Center to get advice on how to prepare for it as well.”
If your schedule doesn’t allow you to meet Fauble in person, you can get help during the Career Center’s drop-in hours and Late-night-Resume Reviews. Other tips that help students and alumni to be successful at fairs include creating a profile in Hire-A-Redbird, the Career Center’s online job vacancy tool. A complete list of employers attending the fair is in Hire-A-Redbird.
Students can also access the list by downloading the Symplicity Jobs and Careers app, available for free from the App Store or Google Play. Both tools allow Redbirds to apply for many positions before the fair even begins. Attendees should also use the list to research employers and show their knowledge of the organizations they are interested in. The Career Center provides additional fair preparation tips on the Accounting Career Fair webpage.
With one of the best accounting programs in the nations, employers seeking talented Redbirds to fill their accounting positions are encouraged to attend the Accounting Career Fair. Registration is available on the Career Center website.
The Career Center assists all Illinois State University students with developing, evaluating, and implementing career decisions.