UPDATE: In light of recent campuswide decisions related to COVID-19, our Relay For Life scheduled to take place in person on March 20 is in the midst of being reimagined for the safety of all involved and to adhere to campus cautionary measures. What does this mean?
It means a whole new way to show how you Relay to more people than ever! There is nothing that can take the fighting spirit away from our survivors and we know there’s no way to keep your Relay spirit down.
Keep an eye out for an announcement in the coming weeks for a statewide Illinois Campus Virtual Relay. We’re going to make an impact and shine some positive light in a social media space that has recently been inundated with COVID-19 news and stories of toilet paper being swiped off of shelves. We think it’s our job to paint that space purple and show some names and faces of fighters and supporters and the incredible good you all work toward year-round.
We can’t wait for you to see what we have planned. Stay tuned.
Your ISU Relay For Life Leadership Team
Members of the ISU community are invited to become part of the Relay for Life by creating teams, fundraising, and attending the Relay for Life of Illinois State University event taking place at 6 p.m. Friday, March 20, at Horton Field House. Each participant registers for only $15, and if that person raises $100, they will receive a shirt at the event.
The theme this year is “Celebrating More Birthdays.” Horton will be decorated as one huge birthday party celebrating/honoring those who have fought the battle and remembering those we have lost.
Relay for Life is the American Cancer Society’s most successful fundraiser. The mission of Relay for Life is to raise funds to improve cancer survival, decrease the incidence of cancer, and improve the quality of life for cancer patients and their caretakers. At the Relay event, participants take turns walking around a track or path─symbolizing that no one should face cancer alone.
Please visit the Relay for Life of Illinois State University to register. For more information or to receive help starting or joining a team, please contact Alex Kjellesvik at ahkjell@ilstu.edu or Nick Bianchi at nmbian1@ilstu.edu.