While Illinois State University students, faculty, and most staff members are forced off campus as a result of the statewide stay at home directive for coronavirus (COVID-19), essential employees from places such as Grounds, University Police, University Heating Plant, and Mail Services are still working to keep operations moving forward for the future. Here is a snapshot of some of the essential workers who are still on campus working and maintaining the social distancing guidelines.
Corporal Matthew Melville stops on the Quad outside of the State Farm Hall of Business to do a few tricks with Pawfficer Sage on one of her daily walks around campus.
Grounds workers Jay Fitzgerald, foreground, and Jeremy Haag lay down a straw blanket after seeding a new patch of soil along the walkway adjacent to Horton Field House.
Building Service Worker Stuart Brown cleans off tables and door handles on the second floor of the Bone Student Center.
Eric Hodges looks at news briefings and security footage of the empty campus from the Emergency Operations Center.
Mail Services Director Shannon Covey and Shaunna Lucas gather mail for various campus departments who have come by the Nelson Smith Building to retrieve mail. Mail Services is no longer making campus deliveries due to coronavirus (COVID-19).
Detective Jonathan Davis does a building check at the Student Fitness Center.
Grounds workers Nick Zimmerman, foreground, and Eric Brauer build a retaining wall outside of the Nelson Smith Building.
Endpoint Support Specialist Mark Pennington, right, helps sophomore interior design major Jekyra Felton-Cobb check out a laptop and trouble shoot any issues she might have working on classes remotely from her apartment.
Building Service Worker Ruben Correa cleans mirrors in a suite at Watterson Towers.
Recycling Coordinator Andrew Bennett sanitizes recycling totes at the Recycling Center on Gregory Street.
Officer Jessica Jones walks up the stairs of the State Farm Hall of Business after checking to make sure that all of the doors are secure, there aren’t any leaks, and vending machines aren’t broken into.
Building Service Worker Andrew Klapp empties a trash compactor and picks up trash that was in the chute and wouldn’t fit into the container at Watterson Towers.
Heating Plant Fireman Rick Norris takes water samples from the boilers and tests conductivity, PH, hardness, and alkalinity.
Grounds worker Heather Vozzella plants flowers at a greenhouse.
Building Service Worker Gregg Lukoskie sanitizes tables on the top floor lounge at Watterson Towers.
Watterson Dining Commons Assistant Director Jay Laesch informs students about the lunch options available and the process for picking them up.
Event Management, Dining, and Hospitality Training Chef Ursula Ganci prepares to-go meals at Watterson Dining Commons for students who are still living on or near campus.
Carpenter Adam Moore checks to make sure that an exit door at the Alumni Center is closing properly.