Angelo Capparella, BIO emeritus, co-wrote “Correlates of bird collisions with buildings across three North American countries” for Conservation Biology. 

Jonathan MillsDavid Kukla, and Juan Canchola, CHE, published “Synthesis of the Cyanobacterial Antibiotics Anaephenes A and B” in the Journal of Natural Products. 

Wolfgang Stein and Margaret DeMaegd, BIO, published “Temperature-robust activity patterns arise from coordinated axonal Sodium channel properties” in Plos Computational Biology 

Miltonette Criag, CJS, presented “Stop, Question, and Neutralize: Justifications for Racial and Ethnic Disproportionality in Vehicle Stops” at a virtual conference for the Law & Society Association. 

Ali Riaz, POL, participated in the webinar “In the shadow of Dragon: Globalisation and Fractured Future of South Asia” organized by the Centre for Governance Studies (CGS) of Bangladesh. 

Fred Smith, ANT emeritus, co-presented What if anything is Australopithecus afarensis? at the Smithsonian Institution Seminar Series on Human Evolution. 

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