
Ali Riaz, POL, published the book chapter “Bangladesh: In Pursuit of a One-party State?” in the Routledge Handbook of Autocratization in South Asia.   

T.Y. Wang, POL, published “Taiwan in 2021: The Looming China Threat” in Asian Survey.  


Mary Elaine Califf, IT, presented “Feedback in Context” at the Special Interest Group on Computer Science Education (SIGCSE) Technical Symposium.   

Gina Hunter, ANT, presented “Edible Insects: A Global History” for the Chicago Foodways Roundtable of the Culinary Historians of Chicago.  

Danielle Lillge and Maggie Morris-Davis, ENG, were part of a team presenting “Re-reading and re-writing rural narratives and communities: Socially just possibilities for teacher and student critical literacy learning and inquiry” for the National Council of Teachers of English.  

William McBride, ENG, presented “The Rigid Embrace of the Narrow House: Masoch, Hitchcock, and Poe” in the “Nights of Horror” series at Nebraska Wesleyan University, funded, in part, by the Nebraska Arts Council, aired live, and archived on YouTube, Twitter, and Instagram.  

Gabriela Fonseca Pereira, FCS, presented “Home spaces used as third places during the COVID-19 pandemic among older adults living in the U.S.A. and in Brazil” at the 2022 annual conference of the Interior Designers Education Council (IDEC).  

Justin Stanek, KNR, presented “The correlation between ankle proprioception and lower extremity muscle reactions in response to simulated ankle sprains” at the Big Sky Athletic Training Sports Medicine Conference.