Queer Coalition will hold an all-member meeting at 5 p.m. on Thursday, September 22, via Zoom. Attendees will have the opportunity to learn about and discuss issues of relevance to the LGTBQIA+ community on and off campus. Those wishing to submit agenda items are encouraged to do so by emailing lgbtq@IllinoisState.edu by 5 p.m. on Friday, September 16. The meeting will also include an open forum period to address any matters arising from the membership. The meeting link will be distributed to the Queer Coalition listserv one day in advance. Those interested in becoming members of Queer Coalition are invited to fill out this form in order to gain access to the listserv and/or Teams site. Nonmembers may email lgbtq@IllinoisState.edu to request the meeting link.
Queer Coalition is a university-sponsored faculty, staff, and graduate student affinity group that strives to create an affirming and inclusive environment for LGBTQIA+ members of the Illinois State University community and beyond. We formed in late 2020 out of the remains of our predecessor organization, Triangle Association, and have been in a building phase over the past two years. We are excited to be able to offer additional programming and opportunities for member involvement over the coming semester.