A new all-campus survey will help to shape future efforts and priorities related to equity, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) at Illinois State University.
Beginning the week of September 26, all students and employees will receive a link through their campus (ilstu) email accounts to the ISU Campus Inclusion Survey.
“This survey results will inform and shape EDI decisions made across campus,” said Dr. Doris Houston, interim assistant to the president for diversity and inclusion. “It will help us gauge the extent to which people feel a sense of belonging and experience inclusion at Illinois State.”
The email will come from info@viewfindersurveys.com. A link to the independent, web-based survey will be included in the email.
Students who complete the survey are entered in a drawing for a chance to win one of eight Apple 10.2-inch iPads, one of four Oculus Quest 2 VR Headsets, or tickets to the November 5 Redbird Football game. Each week, the first 50 students to complete the survey earn a $5 gift card to the Bone Student Center Starbucks location.
Find the link to the ISU Inclusion Survey from Viewfinder in the email from info@viewfindersurveys.com.
Questions will include a range of topics aimed at gauging perceptions of support, accessibility, and a sense of belonging experienced by students, faculty, and staff with diverse life experiences, backgrounds, and identities. Participation will take about 15 minutes. The survey will be due October 21, 2022.
“As soon as you see the Viewfinder email, I hope you will respond by taking the survey,” said President Terri Goss Kinzy. “This is the chance for every student, faculty, and staff member to be heard, and help the University evolve with our core value of Diversity and Inclusion.”
The survey is being conducted by Viewfinder, the company that publishes Insight into Diversity. The company gathers and provides survey data to measure campus advancement on equity and inclusion. Because it is an independent survey, the University will be able to see overall results, but not the names and emails of those who sent them.
The last survey to evaluate belonging and equity at Illinois State was conducted in 2015. The results provided guidance, support, and groundwork for projects such as the new Multicultural Center, a diversity graduation requirement, funding for diversity-focused affinity groups, new resources for student success, a revamped faculty and staff search process to challenge implicit bias, and expanded professional development framed in equity.
“The foundations we build from this survey will give us a clear indication of the areas in which Illinois State has made significant progress since 2015 as well as the areas for growth,” said Houston.
By September 30, those who believe they should have received a survey link from Viewfinder via campus email, but have not, can contact dboyd@viewfindersurveys.com.