The Office of International Engagement and the Center for Integrated Professional Development presented “Design and Implement a Faculty-Led Study Abroad Program 101” last week.
Dr. Erin Mikulec from the School of Teaching and Learning and Alex Ratcliff-Hanger from the Office of International Engagement led a workshop focused on how to create a Faculty-led study abroad program. Participants learned about a faculty director’s role and responsibilities and became familiar with the program development process. The leaders also explained the different types of programs, courses, and partner relationships.

Participants were encouraged to share ideas and areas of interest while facilitators gave insight on how to align coursework with pedagogy for education abroad. Program examples showcased options for designing instructional activities and learning outcomes that best fit a program.
This session gave an introductory overview of the study abroad faculty director position and provided the groundwork for Study Abroad 102. During Study Abroad 102, participants are given hands-on assistance in the development of their faculty-led study abroad program proposal, budget, and course syllabus. More information about both sessions will be available next semester.