Erika Sparby joins the Department of English at Illinois State University as an assistant professor. She received her Ph.D. in English in 2017 from Northern Illinois University. Her areas of specialization include digital rhetoric, technical communication, rhetorical theory, feminist theory, and identity studies, among others. Her research focuses on the examination of intersection of rhetoric, identity, and aggression in digital spaces.
Professor Sparby received the Gloria Anzaldúa Rhetorician Award at the Conference on College Composition and Communication in 2016 and the Dr. Mary Sue Schriber Junior Scholar in Women’s Literature and Language Scholarship from Northern Illinois University in 2016. She has presented her work at conferences across the United States and has been an invited speaker at Northern Illinois University numerous times.
Professor Sparby just earned her black belt in taekwondo this past summer. She also kayaks, both for fun and semi-competitively.
Erika —
Many congratulations on your new job! Have fun!! John V. Knapp, NIU.