Women’s and Gender Studies (WGS) will present the workshop Fiscal Planning for Women at 7 p.m. Monday, September 17, in Schroeder Hall, room 236.
The session, which is free and open to University students, is geared toward those who identify as women. The workshop will provide tangible strategies to improve financial well-being while in college.
Event organizer Tanya Diaz-Kozlowski, who was recently named assistant director of WGS, hopes the workshop will create a space for women to discuss finances on a basic level.
“The reality is that sexism continues to limit the agency of women as human beings by denying us—especially poor women, immigrant women, women of color, women who have children, and women who have multiple marginalized identities—from having access to financial resources and accurate knowledge about how to cultivate financial well-being over one’s life,” said Diaz-Kozlowski, who added the workshop will dispel myths and encourage women “to not be afraid to talk about finances and asking questions, providing resources, and recognizing how structural barriers of racism, heterosexism, classism, and nativism contribute to the lack of financial well-being for women.”
For additional information, contact Diaz-Kozlowski at wgstudies@IllinoisState.edu.