Cassie Herbert, PHI/WGS, published “The Speech Acts of #MeToo” in the APA Newsletter on Feminism and Philosophy, Fall 2019.
Jun-Hyun Kim, CHE, co-authored “Rapid Preparation of Paper-Based Plasmonic Platform for SERS Applications” for Materials Chemistry and Physics.
Lisya Seloni, ENG, co-edited the book Second Language Writing Instruction in Global Contexts: English Language Teacher Preparation and Development, which was recently published by Multilingual Matters/Channel View Publications.
Christine Varga-Harris, HIS/WGS, published “Decorating in Moderation, Moderating Character: Domestic Space and the Soviet Person in the Era of Mass Housing,” in Flying Panels: How concrete panels changed the world (Stockholm: ArkDes/The Swedish National Center for Architecture and Design). The book, published in English, Spanish, and Swedish, is an accompaniment to an art exhibition in Sweden, which runs through March 2020:
Zunaid Almamun, POL, presented “The Aftermath of Political Settlement in the Chittagong Hill Tracts: Actors and Interests” at the 48th Annual Conference on South Asia in Madison, Wisconsin.
Dawn Beichner, CJS/WGS, presented “Women as Victims and Offenders in Rural Spaces” at the Illinois National Organization of Women’s “Women, Justice, and the Justice System” conference in Chicago.
Erika Sparby, ENG/WGS, presented “Ethical meming—How can we meme inclusively?” as an invited keynote at University of Michigan LangRhet Conference in Ann Arbor, Michigan.
Michael Hendricks, ANT, received a community engagement award from the University of Missouri’s Office of Extension and Engagement. The award recognized Hendricks and his co-director, Rachel Owen, for their work in co-creating and co-directing the Missouri Science and Technology Policy Fellows (MOST) Initiative.
David Kopsell, AGR, was awarded the Non-land-grant Agriculture and Renewable Resources Universities (NARRU) Distinguished Educator Award at their national meeting in San Angelo, Texas. That organization represents over 60 non-land-grant universities across the country and the Distinguished Educator Award is their highest teaching honor, recognizing outstanding faculty with more than seven years’ experience in post-secondary teaching.