The ISU Annuitants Association (ISUAA) begins the academic year with its annual Fall Meeting at 9 a.m. September 2. The meeting will be held via Zoom.
President Dietz will provide an update about the changes and challenges necessitated by COVID-19, as well as more information about some of the successes and happenings at Illinois State University.
Reservations must be made by August 20. The registration form can be found on the back of the ISUAA Fall newsletter, which can also be accessed on the ISUAA website using the link on the main page to the July 20 newsletter. This event is free and open to ISUAA members and non-members alike.
The latest membership drive resulted in 137 new members for the ISUAA/State Universities Annuitants Association (SUAA). Congratulations to the new members who are this year’s recipients of the Amazon gift cards of $100, $50, and $50: Richard Hughes, Christie Martin, and Beth Porter.
The ISUAA is the local chapter of the SUAA and serves employees of Illinois State University that participate in SURS, and retirees that receive a SURS pension, their spouses, and survivors. All current employees and retirees should consider joining ISUAA which also makes them a member of SUAA (State Universities Annuitants Association). SUAA is the only organization in the state actively working to protect the pension system and health care benefits for everyone who contributes to SURS.
“For more information or to register to attend this event, visit the ISUAA website, or email