Miltonette Craig, CJS, is co-investigator on a team that was commissioned by the LeRoy Collins Institute for a public policy study to examine the role of civilian oversight committees and the effectiveness of the use of force policies in policing in Florida. 

Somnath Lahiri, MQM, has been selected to serve as an associate editor of the International Journal of Management Reviews (IJMR). IJMR is the leading global review journal in organization and management studies. The journal is produced by the British Academy of Management. 

John McHale, COM, won the award for Best Film Script written by a faculty member from the Broadcast Education Association, the premier professional organization representing over 250 colleges and universities from around the world. 

Ama Oforiwaa Aduonum, MUS, performed Walking with My Ancestors for the University of Virginia’s McIntyre Department of Music.