Vocational wellness is the ability to achieve personal satisfaction and fulfillment from work, whether academic or job-related. Vocational wellness is about your perception, attitude, outlook, and reaction to your work. A person vocationally well selects an occupation that utilizes their strengths and skills and aligns with their interests and values.

Vocational wellness requires maintaining a balance in our lives and making a positive impact within the organizations where we work and the communities where we live. Optimal vocational wellness means matching your core values with your interests, hobbies, employment, internships, volunteer activities, and community service. This allows for expressing your talents, passion, and personal values at the workplace or in school.

We spend most of the week at work or school; for many, we perform roles that spill beyond the 40-hour obligation. If so, enjoying your work as much as possible should be a priority. We must strive to balance work and non-work commitments and activities, including learning to say “no” to maintain that balance. We must pay attention to all the areas of occupation because it affects our well-being in one way or the other. Your vocational well-being is vital to your success. It makes you motivated, happy and content because you tend to love what you do.

If you feel unenthusiastic about your workday, look at the areas of your occupation that affect your well-being by checking your vocational well-being. You can start by considering the statements below to guide your path to vocational wellness. How much do you agree or disagree with these statements?

  • I am happy with my career.
  • I look forward to working.
  • My job responsibilities are consistent with my values.
  • My job gives me personal satisfaction and stimulation.
  • I am happy with my career’s personal and professional growth opportunities.
  • My job allows me to make a difference in the world.

Join LIVE WELL with EIGHT at STATE Program, and track your physical wellness this month.

LIVE WELL Vocational Wellness is your guide to campus resources.