Illinois State University faculty from the School of Biological Sciences and Chemistry and Geography-Geology departments will lead a workshop for teachers on the impacts of climate change.
Naturalists and environmental educators are also welcome to attend the workshop from 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday, August 29, 2015, at room 121 Science Laboratory Building (SLB). There is a cost of $15 to cover lunch and take-home materials.
Faculty leading the workshop include Angelo Capparella, School of Biological Sciences; Frank Shaw, Department of Chemistry; and Catherine O’Reilly and Dagmar Budikova, Department of Geography-Geology.
Register via Illinois State’s Center for Mathematics, Science, and Technology (CeMaST).
Climate change affects everyone and everything, locally and globally. Extreme weather, melting ice caps, rising sea levels, ocean acidification, food and water supplies, public health, and economic prosperity are familiar features in the media. But when someone asks about global climate change, do you have the basic scientific facts to respond? Bring your questions and concerns and take part in this workshop dedicated to communicating climate change facts, consequences, and responsibilities.
Attendees will be provided with a complete set of the PowerPoint presentations in the toolkit; PDF files of authoritative climate science booklets that students can download from the Internet, a thumb-drive loaded with useful information, including classroom-ready materials. Demonstrations for the classroom (adaptable for hands-on lab experiments) will be explained and performed by each attendee. Instructions and materials for many of these demonstrations will be available for teachers and environmentalists to take back to their school or organization.
Teachers will receive five CPDUs for attending the workshop. Lunch and morning/afternoon refreshments will be provided.
View the full Climate Science Teachers Workshop program (PDF).