Explore with Campus Recreation’s Adventure program throughout a diverse forest filled with fall colors and autumn’s crisp, natural aroma. Hike 11 miles up and down hills with us while enjoying the picturesque view overlooking the entire lake.
This Day Hike to Clinton Lake will be held October 10 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at Clinton Lake Recreation Area in Clinton. Register by noon October 7 online or at the Welcome Desk in the Student Fitness Center. The fee is $15 for students and members or $20 for faculty, staff and nonmembers. Transportation and instruction are included.
“Participants can look forward to gaining an understanding of the difference between real hiking and a stroll down Constitution Trail,” said Rachel Iversen, assistant director of Adventure programs. “This day trip will provide a great opportunity to develop new friendships as well as new skills, all while enjoying a beautiful view.”
Start living your adventure today! For more information, visit the Adventure section at CampusRecreation.IllinoisState.edu or call (309) 438-8427.