How we met: Kelsey Wallace and Alex Nagyivan

Kelsey Wallace and Alex Nagyivan wedding party

Kelsey Wallace and Alex Nagyivan, both 2009 graduates, completed a management and quantitative methods class together their junior year. But that’s not when their romance started.

Alumna rises to top in global speech competition

Kim (Behrens) Kaufman

Kim (Behrens) Kaufman has mastered what most dread: public speaking. The 2008 School of Communication graduate competed in the Toastmasters International World Championship of Public Speaking in 2016, finishing in the top 10.

How we met: Elise Boni and Ryan Forner

Elise Boni and Ryan Forner with Reggie Redbird

Most couples have years before facing the “for worse” years in marriage. For Elise Boni and Ryan Forner, both 2012 education graduates, the hard times hit before the wedding.

How we met: Ada Klopfenstein and Jerry Christensen

Ada Klopfenstein and Jerry Christensen

Ada Klopfenstein and Jerry Christensen grew up eight miles apart in the farming communities of Gridley and Chenoa, respectively, but did not know each other until they met at the start of their freshman year.