Alumni magazine’s Then and Now Quiz results

Now and Then Quiz results

Illinois State readers were asked in the November 2014 issue to answer the same set of questions about their time on campus. The response was overwhelming, allowing for a snapshot of specific eras.

ISU’s theatre program prepared Steppenwolf founders

Jeff Perry and Terry Kinney

What is now lauded as the nation’s premier ensemble theater had humble beginnings with two Illinois State alums. Terry Kinney ’76 and Jeff Perry ’78 partnered with Gary Sinise to create Chicago’s Steppenwolf Theatre Company in the mid-1970s. They did so out of a resolve to continue developing as actors, never anticipating they would ultimately

Rites of Spring became the administration’s nightmare

Rites of Spring sprayed

As student enthusiasm grew with each Rites of Spring, so did administrative apprehension. Among those watching as the event mushroomed was a Student Affairs leadership team of then Vice President Neal Gamsky; his Associate Director, Jude Boyer, M.A. ’68; and Mike Schermer ’73, M.S. ’78, who was director of Student Life and Programs. The trio

Rites of Spring: The story behind ISU’s unbelievable rock festival

Rites of Spring gathers

Ask graduates who attended Illinois State during the mid-1970s to share one indelible collegiate memory and the response will be nearly unanimous: Rites of Spring. For those who were on campus from 1972 to 1977, Rites of Spring (Rites) stands as the most unique and spectacular social event in the University’s history. Referred to by