A new book by Ela Przybylo, Asexual Erotics: Intimate Readings of Compulsory Sexuality, challenges long-held misconceptions about asexuality.
A new lens to view asexuality

A new book by Ela Przybylo, Asexual Erotics: Intimate Readings of Compulsory Sexuality, challenges long-held misconceptions about asexuality.
The first ever Veterans Day 5K in honor of Sgt. Josh Rodgers will be from 9 a.m.-noon Saturday, November 9. The event is hosted by Illinois State University’s veterans fraternity, Omega Delta Sigma, and the Illinois State University Army ROTC program.
Teaching a subject as weighty as the Holocaust is no easy feat. Paula Ressler and Becca Chase provide guidance through their new book, Meaningful Encounters: Preparing Educators to Teach Holocaust Literature.
The University Service Awards are a significant way to recognize and reward faculty members who have shown outstanding leadership (or promise) in the area of service. Please consider nominating or encouraging nominations of your faculty members for these awards.
A new registered student organization on Illinois State University’s campus, First-Gen Redbirds, is providing a community for students who identify as the first in their family to attend college.
Organizers are looking for proposals for the Fall 2019 Culturally Responsive Campus Community Conference: Building Solidarity Across Movements, November 18-19.
Distinguished Professor of English Roberta Trites delves into the newest ideas in feminist writing in her book Twenty-First-Century Feminisms in Children’s and Adolescent Literature.
A new organization at Illinois State University is helping student researchers prepare for their careers and promote their scholarship.
The Mennonite College of Nursing (MCN) at Illinois State University has been awarded a $2.8 million Advanced Nursing Education Workforce grant from the U.S. Health Resources and Services Administration.
The Fall 2019 series features inspiring speakers, including a transgender activist, an expert on U.S.-China relations, a renowned conservationist, a documentary filmmaker, and an Emmy-winning journalist.