Mark Olson and Eros DeSouza replicated a 2002 survey on instructors coming out in the classroom, with results that surprised them.
Coming out in the classroom: Surprising results for character survey

Mark Olson and Eros DeSouza replicated a 2002 survey on instructors coming out in the classroom, with results that surprised them.
A workshop titled “Cultural Differences in Relationships” will be at noon, Monday, March 21, in McCormick Hall, room 262.
A photo exhibit by Richard Ross, a showing of the film Girl Trouble, and a talk about prisons and the arts will help shine a light on juvenile justice issues.
The College of Applied Science & Technology (CAST) is hosting a day devoted to women in leadership on Thursday, April 14.
A new website dedicated to helping students access resources in the wake of sexual harassment or assault is the latest step placing Illinois State University at the forefront of the evolution of Title IX of the Civil Rights Act.
The Body Project works to combat “fat talk,” or conversations meant to shame women into aiming for an unrealistic body ideal.
Diversity Advocacy is calling for nominations for the 28th annual Commitment to Diversity Awards. Nominations are due Friday, March 4.
A popular Instagrammer in the trans community made a stop at ISU’s LGBT/Queer Studies and Services Institute on Saturday, January 16.
The Latin American and Latino/a Studies Program would like to introduce the Latin American Theatre Association (LATA), a new Registered Student Organization at ISU.
Illinois State University’s Professor of Technology Anu Gokhale has been named a Fulbright Distinguished Chair to the University of Pernambuco (UPE) in Brazil.