Redbird Life serves as a primary resource for students looking to get involved on campus, explore student organizations, and find campus events.
Introducing Redbird Life

Redbird Life serves as a primary resource for students looking to get involved on campus, explore student organizations, and find campus events.
Redbirds can take advantage of a variety of career services and resources, and even attend career-related events to help them be successful.
As part of Illinois State University’s commitment to diversity and to Redbird career success, the University launches its first online career tool kit specifically serving international students and those seeking opportunities across the globe.
In September, employers from across the nation will attend the Career Center’s Accounting Career Fair to meet students and alumni who are studying accounting or seeking accounting positions.
As part of Student Affairs Week, the Division of Student Affairs is excited to host its inaugural Involvement to Industry Conference for students and alumni on Saturday, September 28.
Countless hours are spent in the planning and implementation of two major student events, Welcome Week and commencement, both coordinated by the Dean of Students Office in the Division of Student Affairs.
According to the National Association of Colleges and employers, there are 10 things you can do during college to make yourself marketable at job-search time.
Join us on Sunday, August 18, from 1–3 p.m. on the first floor of the Bone Student Center by Barnes and Noble as we partner with Welcome Week for a Fear the Bird Kick-Off event!
The Career Center hosts the Part-time Job Fair to help students succeed financially and as professionals.
Before you kick back this summer with a cool iced tea, identify how to manage your career even when lazy beach days are calling your name. Career Ambassador and Redbird senior Brooklyn Vogel shares how.