On Saturday, January 20, the Civic Engagement Center is hosting its annual MLK Day of Service project.
ISU serves to honor a leader with MLK Day of Service

On Saturday, January 20, the Civic Engagement Center is hosting its annual MLK Day of Service project.
Research Ethics and Compliance (REC) will be hosting information sessions across campus in January and February to help those who work with human subject research to understand federal and campus policy changes.
Illinois State University continues to receive national recognition for its service to student veterans.
Assistant Professor Virginia Walker was recently recognized by two leading professional organizations for her research and service to the field of special education.
Literacy means more than reading and writing. We explore the topic while previewing the 2018 Teaching & Learning Symposium.
Fueled by her desire to serve, Alesha Klein became a Peace Corps volunteer in Ethiopia. Now in the second year of her master’s degree with the Stevenson Center for Community and Economic Development, Klein is completing her professional practice in Washington, D.C., with a focus on financial empowerment.
A delegation from Illinois State University led by President Larry Dietz visited two partner universities— Shanghai Normal University Tianhua College (Tianhua College) and Southwest University (SWU)—in China from October 24–28.
Join the largest conversation about teaching and student learning on Illinois State’s campus.
Information Technology professionals from throughout Illinois State University gathered in the State Farm Hall of Business on November 17 for the Continuous Improvement in Technology Extension (CITx) conference.
Illinois State University’s Jianwei Lai is part of a team awarded with a $718,000 grant from the National Science Foundation (NSF) to develop a way to log into and use smartphones with one hand.