Learn about the challenges faced by undocumented students and how to help them achieve success. Register before September 9.
CAUSA to host Sept. 9 seminar on supporting undocumented students

Learn about the challenges faced by undocumented students and how to help them achieve success. Register before September 9.
The Human Library at Illinois State University is seeking volunteers to assist with a program scheduled for Wednesday, September 21.
Ali Riaz recently released two new books that reflect the growing world demand for knowledge about Bangladesh, and its rising presence on the global scene.
The Stevenson Center’s Fellows Program at Illinois State University offers 100 percent tuition waivers to AmeriCorps alums for graduate school.
Celebrate the first week of this new semester with CTLT’s Fall Kickoff, from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. at 301 S. Main.
President Larry Dietz has appointed a task force to address the Campus Climate Assessment Report for Illinois State University.
Don’t ask Karen Coats about evil stepmothers, but you can ask her about the new book she co-edited exploring mothers in young adult literature.
New episodes of Let’s Talk Teaching debut every Thursday.
The Illinois State University Honors Program has a new face, and just in time for a new place. This summer Dr. Rocío Rivadeneyra was named Interim Director and the Honors Program moved to the Professional Development Building.
Illinois State University is requesting nominations for candidates for the honorary degree to be awarded at Founders Day 2017.