Awards, publications, and presentations of faculty and staff at Illinois State University.
Research and Honors, January 22, 2019

Awards, publications, and presentations of faculty and staff at Illinois State University.
Working with young people to give them a second chance can look different in the United States and Japan, according to Associate Professor of Criminal Justice Joanne Savage.
One of the most difficult parts about going away to college is leaving your dog. Man’s best friend provides constant love and support no matter what the circumstance, and it is hard to be separated from that. PAWSitively Stress Free was created to help fill this void. This program brings dogs to Milner Library where
The Stevenson Center for Community and Economic Development relies on talented faculty like Associate Professor of Economics Adrienne Ohler, an energy economist.
Three academic departments received CTLT’s Path to Excellence award for dedication to improving student learning in 2018
Illinois State is now an eduroam campus, a global roaming access service developed for the international research and education community.
Alan Lacy, associate vice president for Academic Fiscal Management, has announced he will retire June 30.
Publications and presentations by Illinois State faculty and staff.
Energize your teaching plans for the coming semester with these select episodes of CTLT’s podcast for Illinois State faculty. Each short episode dives deeply into one of seven principles shown to enhance student learning and make for a successful classroom (or online) experience.
CTLT and several campus partners offer help with topics like accessibility, online teaching, syllabus language and design, and much more!