Video: Dalton Gorsuch, scholarship recipient

Dalton Gorsuch and his five siblings were primarily raised by their grandparents. Receiving the Greenebaum Memorial Fund scholarship helped ease the financial stress of attending Illinois State University. Gorsuch, who said he wasn’t sure he could ever afford to go to college, is an elementary education major and looks forward to teaching children information they

Alumni Relations renamed Alumni Engagement

Alumni Center

Alumni Relations has officially become Alumni Engagement at Illinois State. The unit’s new name places greater emphasis on Redbird alumni making connections with Illinois State and fellow alumni, and participating in the life of the University.

Quick tips to get the most out of your commencement photos

Smile! With commencement a few days away, it is time to capture your last memories as an undergraduate with some photos. As the University photographer, I’m often asked for tips on how to get the best shots. It might seem overwhelming, but if you focus on a few key elements, you’ll create memorable photos that