Illinois State University’s Pride organization turns 50 this year. Students will celebrate ISU Pride and Queertober with events throughout the month in honor of Coming Out Day.
Queertober at Illinois State University

Illinois State University’s Pride organization turns 50 this year. Students will celebrate ISU Pride and Queertober with events throughout the month in honor of Coming Out Day.
Doctoral student Margaret DeMaegd was the first Illinois State student to be invited to the internationally renowned Neural Systems and Behavior course at the Marine Biology Laboratory in Woods Hole, Massachusetts.
This fall St. Louis Cardinals shortstop Paul DeJong will try to follow in the footsteps of fellow Illinois State Redbird Neal Cotts and become a postseason baseball hero.
POSTPONED: The Half Century Club Reunion has been postponed to the weekend of October 23, which coincides with Homecoming weekend.
Randy Burt ’73, M.S.’74, at 71-years-old, is ready to cross the finish line of his 42nd Chicago Marathon, making his marathon total 84.
Regional alumni networks will host Homecoming To Go watch parties on Saturday, October 26.
The October 26 race will take off at the Student Fitness Center and make its way through Uptown Normal and around campus.
Everyone strives for success, but Sami (Fitzjarrald)’00 and Garrett Anderson ’10 found theirs in an unlikely way.
Homecoming Saturday is filled with Redbird excitement, especially at the parade, tailgating, and football game.
The Division of Student Affairs seeks nominations for the 2020 Steve and Sandi Adams Legacy Hall of Fame.