Students and groups engaged in helping the community were honored last spring at the third annual Civic Engagement Celebration.
Groups, individuals honored at 3rd annual Civic Engagement Celebration

Students and groups engaged in helping the community were honored last spring at the third annual Civic Engagement Celebration.
WGLT, Illinois State University’s NPR station, is teaming up with various community partners to host four candidate forums and debates this month to inform voters ahead of the November 6 election. Civic engagement is a core value at Illinois State University. GLT is supporting that value through its series of events featuring local, state, and
Get ready for the November 6 state and area elections.
Following the screening, Professor of History Emeritus Roger Biles will facilitate a discussion about the Fair Housing Act in commemoration of the 50th anniversary of its adoption.
The results from the Community Partner Survey Report will be announced, and the Civic Engagement Awards will be presented.
The state of Illinois’ democracy will be the topic of an event at 7 p.m. Monday, April 16, in Schroeder Hall, room 138 at Illinois State University.
Get ready for the March 20 state and area elections with information on registration and early voting at Illinois State University.
The Community Engagement Awards recognize and celebrate people, organizations, and units whose work exemplifies Illinois State University’s value of civic engagement.
Senior Professionals and the American Democracy Project at Illinois State University are co-sponsoring a civic engagement service learning grant.
Chief Washington correspondent of the New York Times Carl Hulse will be the speaker for Illinois State University’s Constitution Day at 2 p.m. Monday, September 18.