The spring issue of the Redbird Scholar is now available online and in print.
5 things you will discover in latest Redbird Scholar

The spring issue of the Redbird Scholar is now available online and in print.
Sergiy Rosokha will present “Halogen Bonding: From Crystal Engineering to Electron and Halogen Transfer” at 3 p.m. Friday, March 18, in Julian Hall, room 225.
University Professor of Biophysics Craig Gatto will present a seminar titled “Ion Selectivity of the Na,K-ATPase and a Possible Intracellular Role” at 3 p.m. on Friday, March 4, in Julian 225.
The College of Arts and Sciences has announced the 2015-2016 recipients of the Outstanding College Service Awards: Professor Susan Hildebrandt, Department of Languages, Literatures and Cultures; Professor Ross Kennedy, Department of History; and Professor Jun-Hyun Kim, Department of Chemistry.
Illinois State University named the recipients of the Research Initiative Award, who will be honored on Founders Day on Thursday, February 18.
A nearly $300,000 grant from the National Institutes of Justice will allow an interdisciplinary research team at Illinois State University to explore the viability—and the legal uses—of new crime-scene technology.
Tim Lash and his students are on the hunt for what some call the impossible, with support from the National Science Foundation (NSF).
Have you ever had a question even the Internet couldn’t answer? Some members of the Illinois State University community did. And we put Illinois State University’s faculty experts to work answering their inquiries.
Illinois State University faculty from the School of Biological Sciences and Chemistry and Geography-Geology departments will lead a workshop for teachers on the impacts of climate change.
Forty-seven high school students have been getting a taste of the college life this week at Illinois State through the annual Illinois Summer Research Academy.