Lab classes in a pandemic: Arts and Sciences courses make most of situation

Student uses syringe in class

For the Departments of Biology, Physics and Chemistry, class sizes were reduced by at least 50 percent, more lab sections were offered, and students wore masks and socially distanced during labs and classes on campus. Students were still able to continue their research, learn, grow, and collaborate on their projects.

Changing of the guard

Dr. Craig C. McLauchlan (left) has taken over as associate vice president for Research and Graduate Studies from fellow Department of Chemistry colleague Dr. John Baur.

Redbird Scholar interviewed Dr. John Baur and Dr. Craig McLauchlan via Zoom last spring about the former’s tenure as the associate vice president for Research and Graduate Studies and the latter’s plans for his time in that post.

Dean delivers Spring 2020 Address

Dr. Diane Zosky

Interim Dean Dr. Diane Zosky emphasizes that the important work being conducted across the College of Arts and Sciences continues in spite of the COVID-19 pandemic and its unprecedented effects.