The 19th amendment turns 95

The Department of History’s Kyle Ciani and Monica Noraian talk about the right to vote, and looking beyond the myth of the suffragette.

Reactions video: Riaz on Iran deal

image of Ali Riaz

Ali Riaz, professor and chair of the Department of Politics and Government at Illinois State University, calls the new Iran deal a good beginning, but with many roadblocks ahead.

School of Biological Sciences Seminar, September 10

Daniel Gibson-Reinemer of the Illinois Natural History Survey will present “Climate change effects on species’ distributions and ecological assemblages” Thursday, September 10, at 4p.m. in 210 Moulton Hall.

Climate Science Teachers Workshop, August 29


Illinois State University faculty from the School of Biological Sciences and Chemistry and Geography-Geology departments will lead a workshop for teachers on the impacts of climate change.

Reactions: Chinese currency and the global markets

image of Chinese currency

We’ve seen stock markets around the globe fall dramatically. Though some look to the Chinese currency, Professor of Economics Kevin Zhang says the fall in global markets is not caused by China’s yuan.