Exploring the many facets of Title IX

Jenna Goldsmith

Dr. Jenna Goldsmith of Illinois State University is helping students explore the wealth of changes Title IX sparked, and hosting sexual justice author Alexandra Brodsky as a speaker June 8.

Readings to celebrate Pride Month

intersex inclusive pride progress flag created by Valentino Vecchietti created this redesign of the Pride flag for Intersex Equality Rights UK’s Intersex Inclusion and Visibility campaign

Assistant Professor Mallory Jallas and Senior Library Specialist Elizabeth Babin draw upon Milner Library’s collections for recommendations on readings to celebrate Pride Month.  

Newton ’10 pays forward donors’ investment

woman standing next to a man in front of the University seal

Neil Styczynski had considered funding a college scholarship someday. But meeting then 17-year-old Dr. Kate (Norcross) Newton ’10 made him think, “If not now, when?” Styczynski and his wife, Joan, decided to establish the Neil and Joan Styczynski Scholarship at Illinois State for transfer students who want to teach and demonstrate a financial need. Newton was the scholarship’s second recipient.