Poised for success: Students thrive with scholarship support

Erinda Aidoo wearing a white lab coat uses a pipet

There are a variety of scholarships at Illinois State, including scholarships geared toward major studies, financial assistance, or recognizing the overall excellence of a student. However, all scholarships have the commonality of supporting highly capable and stand-out students at Illinois State.

McClure publishes ABA study on paralegals

Thomas McClure headshot

In February, Professor Thomas McClure and the American Bar Association (ABA) Standing Committee on Paralegals published the monograph, The Economic Benefits of Paralegal Utilization.


From left: Angelo Capparella, Bill Davison, RJ Rowley, and Brittany Menzel ‘22

Combine these two words, floods and puddles, and you get: fluddles. To some ears, it’s a quaint-sounding word, rhymes with cuddles, could even be something a child might say. But in nature, fluddles are quite significant and are the key component of a local wetlands preservation project.