The challenge for every student is applying knowledge learned through lectures and gleaned from textbooks to the working world each will enter upon graduation.
Problems solved: Students become creative consultants

The challenge for every student is applying knowledge learned through lectures and gleaned from textbooks to the working world each will enter upon graduation.
Police continue investigation into death of student Jelani Day. Please continue to provide information to Bloomington Police at (309) 820-8888.
The Illinois State University Fall 2021 International Seminar Series, A New Normal in a Global Context, will be each Wednesday from September 1-November 3, 2021. Advanced registration is required.
The University Sales Center Alliance announces that Dr. Ajay Samant, Dean of the College of Business at Illinois State University, has been named as the Outstanding Dean for 2021.
After being away from campus for over a year, students officially came back for in-person learning on August 16. Students spent the 2020-2021 academic year distanced, virtual, and masked, but Redbirds are ready to return to a normal campus life moving forward.
It was rare that a board game ever saw its entirety at the Mulatz household.
Illinois State University’s Innovation Consulting Community (ICC) provides real-world professional experiences for undergraduate and graduate students from across campus. The program partners student consultants with actual organizations seeking insights about a variety of topics ranging from marketing strategies to product design to research questions.
Tom Harlovic said he could “go on and on” about what he learned from his participation in the Innovation Consulting Community (ICC) this academic year and described being a part of the program as “definitely one of the most impactful experiences” he has had at Illinois State University.
The University has implemented new face covering, vaccine, and testing requirements.
McLean County Full Tuition Scholarship recipient Israd Mpeko brings a lifelong dedication to community service to Illinois State University.