All College of Business alumni are invited to join the College of Business Alumni Network (COBAN) for a reception May 12 on the 67th floor of Willis Tower in Chicago.
College of Business Alumni Network to host reception in Chicago, May 12

All College of Business alumni are invited to join the College of Business Alumni Network (COBAN) for a reception May 12 on the 67th floor of Willis Tower in Chicago.
Abhishek Varma in the College of Business is part of a team conducting an empirical study exploring incentives behind making socially responsible financial investments.
More than 500 Illinois State undergraduate and graduate students distilled months of hard work into posters that they displayed Friday at the University Research Symposium.
Horace Melton will serve the Department of Marketing as interim chairperson beginning July 1.
On-site executive training programs are part of a renewed commitment to area leaders by the Organizational Leadership Institute.
The College of Business is now accepting nominations for the Early Career Achievement Awards.
Learn about the shared history of private giving and Illinois State University’s College of Business, featuring three former deans and Interim Dean Gerry McKean.
Illinois State students from across campus are exploring the potentially groundbreaking applications of drones for commercial uses.
Illinois State business alum Larry Ernat ’94 has managed The Alamo II for almost a decade. His passions and his business philosophies stem back to his days studying in the College of Business.
More business students are embarking to European universities, multi-national businesses, and even a start-up company in the tropics.